Sudan Update
Sudan is at war and the international actors have moved out, but peacebuilding work is still ongoing, as Concordis’ CEO, Peter Marsden, explains.
Why is peacebuilding important?
Worldwide, conflict has increased over the last ten years. Peacebuilding is more critical than ever. Conflicts drive 80% of all humanitarian needs, and at the end of 2021, over 89 million people had been forced to flee their homes because of ongoing crises.
What’s the difference between peacebuilding and peacekeeping?
Have you ever asked yourself, what’s the difference between peacebuilding and peacekeeping?
What is Peacebuilding?
Concordis is a peacebuilding charity, but what does peacebuilding actually mean? The UN defines peacebuilding as "an action to identify and support structures which will … strengthen and solidify peace in order to avoid a relapse into conflict."
Increasing the Size of the Pie
At Concordis, we believe in the power of increasing the size of the pie to create new opportunities and resources for all parties involved in a conflict. By focusing on collaboration and creative solutions, we can help grow the pie and benefit everyone involved.